honors college NPU

Honors College of Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) has always been considered as the front end for the higher education reform in the university. The focus of the college is to develop the 1st-class undergraduate education by improving “teaching” and “learning”, and innovating the ...
May 5, 2022
The 8th "talk to seniors" experience sharing activity was successfully held at Honors College
The Vrije University of Brussels (VUB) is a world-renowned university with a history of nearly 200 years. It is located in Brussels, the world-famous city known as the "Capital of the European Union". Besides, Brussels is also called “t...
Dec 24, 2021
The Experience Sharing Session Held at Honors College
Early afternoon December 11th, 2021, Honors College held an experience sharing session in order to improve students’ global competence. Yang Mingxin, who attained her bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney, was invited to share...
Dec 16, 2021
The 28th Dreamland English Corner was held in Honors College
On the evening of December 10th, the 28th Dreamland English Corner was held in the Building of Honors College. Even though it was a cold and rainy day, many students still participated actively.Since this semester is coming to the end, t...
Dec 7, 2021
The 27th Dreamland English Corner was held successfully in Honors College
On the evening of December 3rd, Honors College held the 27th Dreamland English Corner in the Honors College Building. Many students showed great interest in this week’s topic and participated in the regular event.The topic this week is ...
The 8th "talk to seniors" experience sharing activity was successfully held at Honors College
The Vrije University of Brussels (VUB) is a world-renowned university with a history of nearly 200 years. It is located in Brussels, the world-famous city known as the "Capital of the European Unio...
The Experience Sharing Session Held at Honors College
Early afternoon December 11th, 2021, Honors College held an experience sharing session in order to improve students’ global competence. Yang Mingxin, who attained her bachelor's degree from the Un...
The 28th Dreamland English Corner was held in Honors College
On the evening of December 10th, the 28th Dreamland English Corner was held in the Building of Honors College. Even though it was a cold and rainy day, many students still participated actively.Sin...
The 27th Dreamland English Corner was held successfully in Honors College
On the evening of December 3rd, Honors College held the 27th Dreamland English Corner in the Honors College Building. Many students showed great interest in this week’s topic and participated in t...