In order to enhance the international atmosphere and improve students’ global competence, the meeting started by presentation delivered by the Deputy Dean of Honor’s College, Yuan Yun. Her speech was titled as “Innovation and Cooperation for the World-class University” on May 28th. The Internationalization Secretary of the college, Yang Wenqi and Wei Xiaodong o and student representatives from each class participated in the meeting.
In the speech, Ms Yuan shared the major accomplishments achieved by the college in this semester for international work, as well as remaining issues and challenges. She encouraged the students to continue their work towards improving more global competence, enriching international experience and expanding international views. In addition, She also Weekly “Dreamland English Corner”, Daily “English Morning Reading” activities and many other lectures, forums and events themed internationalization as new opportunities for students.

Wei Xiaodong followed with the summary of the semester’s review of international events and statistics report. The newly formed English News Report group members played active and important roles in promoting the college’s international events. More than 80 news have been written and published on various websites within the college and the university. Yang Wenqi also shared the plan and preparation for the coming event “From the Dreamland to the world – Honors College Cultural Festival” in order to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the CPC.

The drafted document of “Responsibilities of Student Representatives of Internationalization in Honor’s College” to was discussed intensively by students. The document aims for motivate students to play their leading roles in enhancing the internationalization level of the college, especially to improve students’ global competence. In the future, together with students, teachers in Honor’s College will further explore and develop international copperation platforms and programs and empower students in the journey of developing “Double First-Class University”.
Editor: Yang Wenqi; Photo: Wei Xiaodong; Review: Yuan Yun