At 7:00 p.m. on April 1st, the 2nd International Session of Qizhen Salon, hosted by Honors College (HC) took place in the Room Qixiang of HC building. Mr. Hou Xiaorui was invited and carried out the lecture today, which stated with the introduction of application and planning for HC students to study further abroad. He put forward valuable sharing and suggestions on why and how to study abroad, which aroused strong response from the students.

He first took Cambridge, MIT and other world-class universities as good examples to illustrate the different application requirements of different universities. Meanwhile, he analyzed the difference among the applications in telecommunication, artificial intelligence, computer science and other domains. Mr. Hou also invited Ms. Tong, a representative of Syracuse University, to share with students her impressions of the difference between Chinese students and other students that she had observed during her years of studying and working in the United States. Ms. Tong also patiently answered the relevant questions. She hoped that Chinese students could improve critical-thinking competence further, combine with soft skills developed by participating extracurricular activities, strengthen the communication capability, and actively present themselves in public.

At the same time, the teacher stressed the importance of understanding different cultures. It is vital to understand that studying abroad is not the goal, but the way to enrich oneself and focus on what one is really interests and talented at. Through the in-depth discussions with two lecturers, students had a better understanding about the importance of true motivation. In the end, students actively communicated with the two lecturers, and had an open discussion on the future career path and the choice of majors in such a globalized world. At the same time, the values of combining and balancing interests with careers and choosing majors were emphasized again, which benefited students a lot.
Editor:Niu Yuhan Photos:Nie Yunhan Reviewer:Yuan Yun