On Nov 19, 2020, Qizhen Salon – “Innovation and World-class universities” was held in Honors College (HC). Mr. Xiaohong from the School of Power and Energy of NPU was invited to share his views and experiences in the Salon. More than 40 students and staff of HC participated this event which was hosted by the deputy dean of HC, Mr.Caili. The dean of HC, Mr. Wang Yangang was also present.

Mr. Xiaohong guided the attendees by one of manuscripts of Isaac Newton into the nature science world. He quoted a lot of historic scientific and breakthroughs, including Quantum Mechanics, Fermat's Last Theorem, Oil-drop experiment, and innovations made by Cavendish Laboratory, etc. to illustrate the beauty of science.
Furthermore, he recalled his study and work experience in the University of Cambridge, and introduced his views of this world-class university. The greatest efforts that the University of Cambridge made are on cultivating undergraduate students, which impressed him very much. He encouraged students to explore the world as much as possible.
Mr. Wang Yangang introduced the cooperation between NPU and University of Cambridge, especially some on-going projects with HC. HC is strengthening the international cooperation platform and expanding the cooperation channels. All HC students are supported to participate international programs to broaden international views.

Translator: Yuan Yun Reviewer: Zhang Wentao