The course of “Project Management” is being planned for Honors College (HC) students in 2021 spring semester. In preparation for the course, on Dec 8, 2020, Ms Yuan Yun, the deputy dean of the HC, together with Ms. Wei Xiaodong, the secretary of international affairs organized an online meeting with professor Lennart Nuhn, who are from Avans University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands.
The content of the course is divided into two parts, including Trends in Information Technology (IT) and Aviation Development. In this course, students are able to learn the fundamental knowledge of IT and aviation management, and can also use the theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems in teams.
Due to COVID-19, Microsoft Teams will be chosen to be the on-line teaching and learning platform of the course. Professor Lennart Nuhn proposed to provide a short on-line introduction of the course for HC students in advance to help students to understand the course. The time schedule of the course was also discussed and agreed.
The collaboration on international courses has been developed for years between HC and Avans University of Applied Sciences. HC encourages students to engage in more international courses in the future, thereby greatly broadening their international views, improving the cross-cultural understanding and international communication ability.
Editor: Wei Xiaodong Reviewer: Yuan Yun